1 Jan 2012

New year resolutions 2012

1) follow my dream, be true to myself. allow myself to heal.
2) love myself, love my family, love my true friends.
3) exercise, shape up; primarily for your my own health, fitness, capability, and for feeling good. secondarily - for anyone else.
4) restrain myself in times of anger. remember there are 2 types of anger - from within and from outside. know the difference. to know that you will always win the battle between myself, and strive to minimize the damage from outside.
5) be socially proactive. know more people as friends. expand my social circle. come out of the well.
6) help others more without expecting material gains. volunteer.
7) search for, and maintain, inner peace.
8) enjoy myself - be it in music, interior design, movies, activities you like. enjoy myself for my own sake, not for others' sake.
9) discover my passion.