1) follow my dream, be true to myself. allow myself to heal.
2) love myself, love my family, love my true friends.
3) exercise, shape up; primarily for your my own health, fitness, capability, and for feeling good. secondarily - for anyone else.
4) restrain myself in times of anger. remember there are 2 types of anger - from within and from outside. know the difference. to know that you will always win the battle between myself, and strive to minimize the damage from outside.
5) be socially proactive. know more people as friends. expand my social circle. come out of the well.
6) help others more without expecting material gains. volunteer.
7) search for, and maintain, inner peace.
8) enjoy myself - be it in music, interior design, movies, activities you like. enjoy myself for my own sake, not for others' sake.
9) discover my passion.
another day (in paradise)
oh think twice. it's just another day for you and me in paradise.
cool if you had a yard like this.
1 Jan 2012
6 Dec 2011
The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one's environment. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. The Ascendant shows an individual's first, natural reaction to new people and situations.
You express your vital energy in a very cut and dried way, you do not resist taking the driver’s seat and you may come across as arrogant. Charging ahead also implies hurting yourself and being suddenly overcome by doubt. As a result, your courage, your honesty, your enthusiasm and your straightforwardness may turn into aggressiveness, rebellion and vulnerability that no one ever suspected. Fortunately, the level of your energy is very high and your instinctive and pugnacious side will not leave you helpless for too long and will set you back on the often perilous road to conquest and glory.
With this Ascendant, you come across as courageous, enthusiastic, dynamic, quick, extroverted, direct, warm, impulsive, adventurous, bold, and competitive. But you may also be gullible, dominating, self-centered, impatient, foolish, thoughtless, childish, irascible, reckless, primary, with a foot in mouth disease.
the leo woman
The Leo woman
1) Flatter! Praise! Attention!
The best way to please them is to adore their beauty and flatter them to the greatest possible extent. Give her genuine, decent and original compliments.
The Leo woman does not like criticism!!
2) You will be jealous.
There is one thing that most of the Leo women never falls short of - male attention. She will most probably be the center of attention everywhere and if you are trying to woo her, be ready to get lots of competition.
3. Don't expect her to worship you. But she will love, respect and care for her partner.
She is a complete woman and she expects you to be a real man.
If you are planning to give her a gift; better make sure that it is classy and as per her superior taste. Please be properly dressed while giving the gift.
They want to have the luxuries of life and do not shy away from showing them off as well.
While courting her, never forget that she likes class and style.
She is not after money, but shabby surroundings make her pretty uncomfortable. In return, she will also shower you expensive gifts.
The lioness may become a little arrogant and proud at times, but these are some of her basic personality traits. She cannot help thinking of herself above the normal masses and please don't tell her she's not.
Though a Leo woman is not too dominating, she might sometimes take over things which her partner cannot and thus, take the lead.
A Leo woman is creative and generous. She is fiercely independent and loves to fly high. Leo female is never clingy and would give space to her loved ones, but only on the condition that they don't forget to shower love and affection on her. Leo females want their partner to be well-cultured and well-behaved. They want him to be very decent in language as well as expressions.
She cares about her appearance, dress, and the society in which she lives.
Compatitibility issues
Jealousy, stubbornness, possessiveness and resentment are qualities that are instilled into Scorpio man just as deep as they are instilled into Leo woman.
As the Leo and Scorpio falls for a love relationship, they become possessive of each other, which creates big issue between them.
Each of them finds much to appreciate in each other and none shies away from a relationship when it gets intense.
Leo appreciates Scorpio’s emotional commitment and Scorpio respects Leo’s strength.
1) Flatter! Praise! Attention!
The best way to please them is to adore their beauty and flatter them to the greatest possible extent. Give her genuine, decent and original compliments.
The Leo woman does not like criticism!!
2) You will be jealous.
There is one thing that most of the Leo women never falls short of - male attention. She will most probably be the center of attention everywhere and if you are trying to woo her, be ready to get lots of competition.
3. Don't expect her to worship you. But she will love, respect and care for her partner.
She is a complete woman and she expects you to be a real man.
If you are planning to give her a gift; better make sure that it is classy and as per her superior taste. Please be properly dressed while giving the gift.
They want to have the luxuries of life and do not shy away from showing them off as well.
While courting her, never forget that she likes class and style.
She is not after money, but shabby surroundings make her pretty uncomfortable. In return, she will also shower you expensive gifts.
The lioness may become a little arrogant and proud at times, but these are some of her basic personality traits. She cannot help thinking of herself above the normal masses and please don't tell her she's not.
Though a Leo woman is not too dominating, she might sometimes take over things which her partner cannot and thus, take the lead.
A Leo woman is creative and generous. She is fiercely independent and loves to fly high. Leo female is never clingy and would give space to her loved ones, but only on the condition that they don't forget to shower love and affection on her. Leo females want their partner to be well-cultured and well-behaved. They want him to be very decent in language as well as expressions.
She cares about her appearance, dress, and the society in which she lives.
Compatitibility issues
Jealousy, stubbornness, possessiveness and resentment are qualities that are instilled into Scorpio man just as deep as they are instilled into Leo woman.
As the Leo and Scorpio falls for a love relationship, they become possessive of each other, which creates big issue between them.
Each of them finds much to appreciate in each other and none shies away from a relationship when it gets intense.
Leo appreciates Scorpio’s emotional commitment and Scorpio respects Leo’s strength.
26 Nov 2011
how to make a girl laugh
1. be funny!!
Your facial expressions, body position, movements, and tone of voice can all impact how funny you seem.
2. Practice being funny all the time. See the world with a humorous outlook . whistle a happy song.
3. Expect to make mistakes.
4. Be self-effacing – place yourself at the center of humorous anecdotes. Naturally, be careful not to come across as a lame duck with serious low self-esteem issues, or as a perpetual clown.
5. Be positive and happy in your outlook.
Avoid jokes or sarcasm that will plummet your standing in her mind. These are the jokes that border on insulting, are insulting, or are simply crude. Avoid telling any sexist, ethnic, or religious jokes. These are touchy topics at the best of times and are definitely not safe ground unless you know the girl incredibly well – even then, be careful!
1. be funny!!
Your facial expressions, body position, movements, and tone of voice can all impact how funny you seem.
2. Practice being funny all the time. See the world with a humorous outlook . whistle a happy song.
3. Expect to make mistakes.
4. Be self-effacing – place yourself at the center of humorous anecdotes. Naturally, be careful not to come across as a lame duck with serious low self-esteem issues, or as a perpetual clown.
5. Be positive and happy in your outlook.
Avoid jokes or sarcasm that will plummet your standing in her mind. These are the jokes that border on insulting, are insulting, or are simply crude. Avoid telling any sexist, ethnic, or religious jokes. These are touchy topics at the best of times and are definitely not safe ground unless you know the girl incredibly well – even then, be careful!
- Don't make fun of women, her friends, her family, or female matters. And definitely do not make jokes about weight, appearance, or dress size.
- Don't make jokes about her. It doesn't matter how funny you see them and how inoffensive you mean them to be – she will be likely to take offense and see the joke in its worst light. Equally, don't laugh at her, under any circumstances, unless you don't want to see her again.
- Steer clear of being mean about other people as a form of humor. Not only is humiliating people not funny, it will also have her wondering if you'll turn on her next.
- When you don't know her well, avoid the bloke jokes, including sarcastic, dark, or intimidating ones. When you know her better, you'll be better prepared to know whether she's alright with this sort of humor or not. In judging the suitability of your sarcastic or ironic remarks, keep in mind the comment by Agnes Repplier that "humor brings insight and tolerance; irony brings a deeper and less friendly understanding." If in doubt, keep it friendly rather than darkly clever.
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